Thursday, May 13, 2010

How To Follow the P90X Nutrition Plan at Work

So many people struggle with following the Nutrition plan...we know that.  So if it's hard to follow at the heck are we supposed to follow it at work?  I have come up with three key factors that make it possible to follow the Nutrition plan where ever you go...even at work.  No Excuses People!!!
  1. Plan Ahead
  2. Stay Dedicated
  3. Count Calories in an Emergency

Planning is crucial to sticking to the nutrition plan and maximizing your results.  Planning can include packing yourself a healthy (P90X approved) lunch and bringing it in a cooler.  Planning can include knowing your options at the company dining center and choosing the foods that fit your nutrition goals.  Planning also includes knowing if you'll be going out to eat with colleagues, or friends and making a concious effort to order healthy off of the menu along with educating yourself on how to do so.  So, plan ahead people...don't let your results suffer because of poor planning.

It's easy to slip-up.  It's easy to be tempted.  However, if you want the 6-pack abs and ripped chest and biceps, you need to stay dedicated to the nutrition plan.  This means packing a lunch, choosing healthy options and keeping your goals in mind!

There are going to be times when you just CAN NOT STICK TO THE PLAN.  Holidays, birthdays, and bachelor parties etc.  You need to live your life and have fun.  If you don't have fun, your 90 day journey will be just that.  90 days of hard work when it should have been 90 days that becomes a lifestyle.  That being said, say you go out for pizza with the boys.  Don't eat 6 slices.  Eat 2 slices, look up the calories on the internet and make sure you stay within your calorie limit for the day.

I occasionally go out for pizza or fast food.  When I get home, I just mark those calories down and adjust the rest of my meals accordingly.  It helps me keep my sanity and makes my P90X+Nutrition journey more of a lifestyle than just strictly a 90-day flash in the pan.

This is an example of what I ate at work today:

Snack - Protein Shake (bring your powder in a small tupperware or plastic bag)
Lunch - Packed from Home
  • Turkey Sandwhich on whole wheat bread with lettuce
  • Apple
  • Skim Cheesestick
  • Mixed Veggies in a tupperware
Snack - Protein Bar

That's it...simple lunch that takes me 5 minutes to pack and keeps me 100% on the Phase II eating plan.  So just remember..if you want results...and I mean kick-ass, jaw dropping, holy crap that dude is ripped results...there are NO EXCUSES!  BRING IT!

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