Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Intensifying the Pull-up!

Ok..this post is NOT intended for the newbies - heck, it's not even intended for graduates.  It's intended for the best of the best (or anyone aspiring to be the best).  If you think you're a bad ass (or think you're a potential bad ass), then keep reading.  With a little inspiration from my man Joshua Miller I decided to dedicate this post and a few videos on how to intensify what I consider one of the two staple moves of P90X - THE PULL-UP. (the other staple is the push-up)

Now many of you out there may be very far away from performing any of these moves, but i'm going to post this as inspiration for many, and practicality for few on just how big of a bad ass you can be from doing P90X.  I know there alot of bad asses on Youtube that do these moves...Difference is I'm like you guys..I finished the program and this is what P90X did for me.

The Following moves will be discussed below with along with a video to demonstrate:
  1. Wide Grip L Pull-up (thanks josh)
  2. L Chin-up/Pull-Up (From P90X+)
  3. Slow Motion Switch Grip Pull-up/Chin-Up (not recommended for doorway bars)
  4. Slow Motion Pull-Up/Chin-up
  5. Clap Pull-up (not recommended for doorway bars - thanks josh)
  6. Weighted Pull-up
  7. Towel Pulley Pull-Up
*the videos ended up pretty dark, so i'm going to try re-shoot them shortly.

Clap Pull-Up
Do standard width pullups.  Explode up and release the bar, add a clap and grab the bar before you crash on the floor.

L Chin-Up
Grab the bar with wrists facing you.  Hold your legs straight out and make an "L" with your body.

Slow Motion Pull-Up
Easy, 5 second count on the way up, and 5 second count on the way down.

Wide Front L Pull-Up (props to Josh Miller for showing me this one)
Same as L Chin-up, only with a wide-front grip

Slow Motion Switch Grip Pullup - video coming soon
5 second count on the way up, switch your grip at the top, and 5 second count on the way down.

Towel Pulley Pull-Up - video coming soon
Hard to describe..so i'll post a video shortly. 

Weighted Pull-Up - video coming soon
Just throw some weights in a back-pack and do your pullu-ps

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